Dual Use Codes

EU REGULATION 2021/821 Annex I and IV

0A Systems, Equipment and Components
0A001 "Nuclear reactors" and specially designed or prepared equipment and components therefor, as follows:
"Nuclear reactors";
Metal vessels, or major shop-fabricated parts therefor, including the reactor vessel head for a reactor pressure vessel, specially designed or prepared to contain the core of a "nuclear reactor";
Manipulative equipment specially designed or prepared for inserting or removing fuel in a "nuclear reactor";
Control rods specially designed or prepared for the control of the fission process in a "nuclear reactor", support or suspension structures therefor, rod drive mechanisms and rod guide tubes;
Pressure tubes specially designed or prepared to contain both fuel elements and the primary coolant in a "nuclear reactor";
Zirconium metal tubes or zirconium alloy tubes (or assembles of tubes) specially designed or prepared for use as fuel cladding in a "nuclear reactor", and in quantities exceeding 10 kg;

N.B.   For zirconium pressure tubes see 0A001.e. and for calandria tubes see 0A001.h.

Coolant pumps or circulators specially designed or prepared for circulating the primary coolant of "nuclear reactors";
‘Nuclear reactor internals’ specially designed or prepared for use in a "nuclear reactor", including support columns for the core, fuel channels, calandria tubes, thermal shields, baffles, core grid plates, and diffuser plates;

Technical Note:

In 0A001.h. ‘nuclear reactor internals’ means any major structure within a reactor vessel which has one or more functions such as supporting the core, maintaining fuel alignment, directing primary coolant flow, providing radiation shields for the reactor vessel, and guiding in-core instrumentation.

Heat exchangers as follows:
Steam generators specially designed or prepared for the primary, or intermediate, coolant circuit of a "nuclear reactor";
Other heat exchangers specially designed or prepared for use in the primary coolant circuit of a "nuclear reactor";

Note:   0A001.i. does not control heat exchangers for the supporting systems of the reactor, e.g., the emergency cooling system or the decay heat cooling system.

Neutron detectors specially designed or prepared for determining neutron flux levels within the core of a "nuclear reactor";
‘External thermal shields’ specially designed or prepared for use in a "nuclear reactor" for the reduction of heat loss and also for the containment vessel protection.

Technical Note:

In 0A001.k. ‘external thermal shields’ means major structures placed over the reactor vessel which reduce heat loss from the reactor and reduce temperature within the containment vessel.

0B Test, Inspection and Production Equipment
0B001 Plant for the separation of isotopes of "natural uranium", "depleted uranium" or "special fissile materials", and specially designed or prepared equipment and components therefor, as follows:
Plant specially designed for separating isotopes of "natural uranium", "depleted uranium", or "special fissile materials", as follows:
Gas centrifuge separation plant;
Gaseous diffusion separation plant;
Aerodynamic separation plant;
Chemical exchange separation plant;
Ion-exchange separation plant;
Atomic vapour "laser" isotope separation plant;
Molecular "laser" isotope separation plant;
Plasma separation plant;
Electro magnetic separation plant;
Gas centrifuges and assemblies and components, specially designed or prepared for gas centrifuge separation process, as follows:

Technical Note:

In 0B001.b. ‘high strength-to-density ratio material’ means any of the following:

1. Maraging steel capable of an ultimate tensile strength of 1,95 GPa or more;
2. Aluminium alloys capable of an ultimate tensile strength of 0,46 GPa or more; or
3. "Fibrous or filamentary materials" with a "specific modulus" of more than 3,18 × 106m and a "specific tensile strength" greater than 7,62 × 104 m;
Gas centrifuges;
Complete rotor assemblies;
Rotor tube cylinders with a wall thickness of 12 mm or less, a diameter of between 75 mm and 650 mm, made from ‘high strength-to-density ratio materials’;
Rings or bellows with a wall thickness of 3 mm or less and a diameter of between 75 mm and 650 mm and designed to give local support to a rotor tube or to join a number together, made from ‘high strength-to-density ratio materials’;
Baffles of between 75 mm and 650 mm diameter for mounting inside a rotor tube, made from ‘high strength-to-density ratio materials’;
Top or bottom caps of between 75 mm and 650 mm diameter to fit the ends of a rotor tube, made from ‘high strength-to-density ratio materials’;
Magnetic suspension bearings as follows:
a.  Bearing assemblies consisting of an annular magnet suspended within a housing made of or protected by "materials resistant to corrosion by UF6" containing a damping medium and having the magnet coupling with a pole piece or second magnet fitted to the top cap of the rotor;
b. Active magnetic bearings specially designed or prepared for use with gas centrifuges;
Specially prepared bearings comprising a pivot-cup assembly mounted on a damper;
Molecular pumps comprised of cylinders having internally machined or extruded helical grooves and internally machined bores;
Ring-shaped motor stators for multiphase AC hysteresis (or reluctance) motors for synchronous operation within a vacuum at a frequency of 600 Hz or more and a power of 40 VA or more;
Centrifuge housing/recipients to contain the rotor tube assembly of a gas centrifuge, consisting of a rigid cylinder of wall thickness up to 30 mm with precision machined ends that are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the cylinder’s longitudinal axis to within 0,05° or less;
Scoops consisting of specially designed or prepared tubes for the extraction of UF₆ gas from within the rotor tube by a Pitot tube action and capable of being fixed to the central gas extraction system;
Frequency changers (converters or inverters) specially designed or prepared to supply motor stators for gas centrifuge enrichment, having all of the following characteristics, and specially designed components therefor:
a. A multiphase frequency output of 600 Hz or greater; and
b. High stability (with frequency control better than 0,2 %);
Shut-off and control valves as follows:
a. Shut-off valves specially designed or prepared to act on the feed, product or tails UF6 gaseous streams of an individual gas centrifuge;
b. Bellows-sealed valves, shut-off or control, made of or protected by "materials resistant to corrosion by UF6", with an inside diameter of 10 mm to 160 mm, specially designed or prepared for use in main or auxiliary systems of gas centrifuge enrichment plants;
Equipment and components, specially designed or prepared for gaseous diffusion separation process, as follows:
Gaseous diffusion barriers made of porous metallic, polymer or ceramic "materials resistant to corrosion by UF₆" with a pore size of 10 to 100 nm, a thickness of 5 mm or less, and, for tubular forms, a diameter of 25 mm or less;
Gaseous diffuser housings made of or protected by "materials resistant to corrosion by UF₆";
Compressors or gas blowers with a suction volume capacity of 1 m³/min or more of UF₆, with a discharge pressure up to 500 kPa, and having a pressure ratio of 10:1 or less, and made of or protected by "materials resistant to corrosion by UF₆";
Rotary shaft seals for compressors or blowers specified in 0B001.c.3. and designed for a buffer gas in-leakage rate of less than 1 000 cm³/min.;
Heat exchangers made of or protected by "materials resistant to corrosion by UF₆", and designed for a leakage pressure rate of less than 10 Pa per hour under a pressure differential of 100 kPa;
Bellows-sealed valves, manual or automated, shut-off or control, made of or protected by "materials resistant to corrosion by UF₆";
Equipment and components, specially designed or prepared for aerodynamic separation process, as follows:
Separation nozzles consisting of slit-shaped, curved channels having a radius of curvature less than 1 mm, resistant to corrosion by UF₆, and having a knife-edge contained within the nozzle which separates the gas flowing through the nozzle into two streams;
Cylindrical or conical tubes, (vortex tubes), made of or protected by "materials resistant to corrosion by UF₆" and with one or more tangential inlets;
Compressors or gas blowers made of or protected by "materials resistant to corrosion by UF₆", and rotary shaft seals therefor;
Heat exchangers made of or protected by "materials resistant to corrosion by UF₆";
Separation element housings, made of or protected by "materials resistant to corrosion by UF₆" to contain vortex tubes or separation nozzles;
Bellows-sealed valves, manual or automated, shut-off or control, made of or protected by "materials resistant to corrosion by UF₆", with a diameter of 40 mm or more;
Process systems for separating UF₆ from carrier gas (hydrogen or helium) to 1 ppm UF₆ content or less, including:
a. Cryogenic heat exchangers and cryoseparators capable of temperatures of 153K (–120 °C) or less;
b. Cryogenic refrigeration units capable of temperatures of 153 K (–120 °C) or less;
c. Separation nozzle or vortex tube units for the separation of UF6 from carrier gas;
d. UF6 cold traps capable of freezing out UF6;
Equipment and components, specially designed or prepared for chemical exchange separation process, as follows:
Fast-exchange liquid-liquid pulse columns with stage residence time of 30 s or less and resistant to concentrated hydrochloric acid (e.g. made of or protected by suitable plastic materials such as fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers or glass);
Fast-exchange liquid-liquid centrifugal contactors with stage residence time of 30 s or less and resistant to concentrated hydrochloric acid (e.g. made of or protected by suitable plastic materials such as fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers or glass);
Electrochemical reduction cells resistant to concentrated hydrochloric acid solutions, for reduction of uranium from one valence state to another;
Electrochemical reduction cells feed equipment to take U⁺⁴ from the organic stream and, for those parts in contact with the process stream, made of or protected by suitable materials (e.g. glass, fluorocarbon polymers, polyphenyl sulphate, polyether sulfone and resin-impregnated graphite);
Feed preparation systems for producing high purity uranium chloride solution consisting of dissolution, solvent extraction and/or ion exchange equipment for purification and electrolytic cells for reducing the uranium U⁺⁶ or U⁺⁴ to U⁺³;
Uranium oxidation systems for oxidation of U⁺³ to U⁺⁴;
Equipment and components, specially designed or prepared for ion-exchange separation process, as follows:
Fast reacting ion-exchange resins, pellicular or porous macro-reticulated resins in which the active chemical exchange groups are limited to a coating on the surface of an inactive porous support structure, and other composite structures in any suitable form, including particles or fibres, with diameters of 0,2 mm or less, resistant to concentrated hydrochloric acid and designed to have an exchange rate half-time of less than 10 s and capable of operating at temperatures in the range of 373 K (100 °C) to 473 K (200 °C);
Ion exchange columns (cylindrical) with a diameter greater than 1 000 mm, made of or protected by materials resistant to concentrated hydrochloric acid (e.g. titanium or fluorocarbon plastics) and capable of operating at temperatures in the range of 373 K (100 °C) to 473 K (200 °C) and pressures above 0,7 MPa;
Ion exchange reflux systems (chemical or electrochemical oxidation or reduction systems) for regeneration of the chemical reducing or oxidizing agents used in ion exchange enrichment cascades;
Equipment and components, specially designed or prepared for laser-based separation processes using atomic vapour laser isotope separation, as follows:
Uranium metal vaporization systems designed to achieve a delivered power of 1 kW or more on the target for use in laser enrichment;
Liquid or vapour uranium metal handling systems specially designed or prepared for handling molten uranium, molten uranium alloys or uranium metal vapour for use in laser enrichment, and specially designed components therefor;

N.B.   SEE ALSO 2A225.

Product and tails collector assemblies for collecting uranium metal in liquid or solid form, made of or protected by materials resistant to the heat and corrosion of uranium metal vapour or liquid, such as yttria-coated graphite or tantalum;
Separator module housings (cylindrical or rectangular vessels) for containing the uranium metal vapour source, the electron beam gun and the product and tails collectors;
"Lasers" or "laser" systems specially designed or prepared for the separation of uranium isotopes with a spectrum frequency stabilisation for operation over extended periods of time;

N.B.   SEE ALSO 6A005 AND 6A205.

Equipment and components, specially designed or prepared for laser-based separation processes using molecular laser isotope separation, as follows:
Supersonic expansion nozzles for cooling mixtures of UF₆ and carrier gas to 150 K (–123 °C) or less and made from "materials resistant to corrosion by UF₆";
Product or tails collector components or devices specially designed or prepared for collecting uranium material or uranium tails material following illumination with laser light, made of "materials resistant to corrosion by UF₆";
Compressors made of or protected by "materials resistant to corrosion by UF₆", and rotary shaft seals therefor;
Equipment for fluorinating UF₅ (solid) to UF₆ (gas);
Process systems for separating UF₆ from carrier gas (e.g. nitrogen, argon or other gas) including:
a. Cryogenic heat exchangers and cryoseparators capable of temperatures of 153 K (–120 °C) or less;
b. Cryogenic refrigeration units capable of temperatures of 153 K (–120 °C) or less;
c. UF6 cold traps capable of freezing out UF6;
"Lasers" or "laser" systems specially designed or prepared for the separation of uranium isotopes with a spectrum frequency stabilisation for operation over extended periods of time;

N.B.   SEE ALSO 6A005 AND 6A205.

Equipment and components, specially designed or prepared for plasma separation process, as follows:
Microwave power sources and antennae for producing or accelerating ions, with an output frequency greater than 30 GHz and mean power output greater than 50 kW;
Radio frequency ion excitation coils for frequencies of more than 100 kHz and capable of handling more than 40 kW mean power;
Uranium plasma generation systems;
Not used;
Product and tails collector assemblies for uranium metal in solid form, made of or protected by materials resistant to the heat and corrosion of uranium vapour such as yttria-coated graphite or tantalum;
Separator module housings (cylindrical) for containing the uranium plasma source, radio-frequency drive coil and the product and tails collectors and made of a suitable non-magnetic material (e.g. stainless steel);
Equipment and components, specially designed or prepared for electromagnetic separation process, as follows:
Ion sources, single or multiple, consisting of a vapour source, ioniser, and beam accelerator made of suitable non-magnetic materials (e.g. graphite, stainless steel, or copper) and capable of providing a total ion beam current of 50 mA or greater;
Ion collector plates for collection of enriched or depleted uranium ion beams, consisting of two or more slits and pockets and made of suitable non-magnetic materials (e.g. graphite or stainless steel);
Vacuum housings for uranium electromagnetic separators made of non-magnetic materials (e.g. stainless steel) and designed to operate at pressures of 0,1 Pa or lower;
Magnet pole pieces with a diameter greater than 2 m;
High voltage power supplies for ion sources, having all of the following characteristics:
a. Capable of continuous operation;
b. Output voltage of 20 000  V or greater;
c. Output current of 1 A or greater; and
d. Voltage regulation of better than 0,01 % over a period of 8 hours;

N.B.   SEE ALSO 3A227.

Magnet power supplies (high power, direct current) having all of the following characteristics:
a. Capable of continuous operation with a current output of 500 A or greater at a voltage of 100 V or greater; and
b. Current or voltage regulation better than 0,01 % over a period of 8 hours.

N.B.   SEE ALSO 3A226.

0B002 Specially designed or prepared auxiliary systems, equipment and components as follows, for isotope separation plant specified in 0B001, made of or protected by "materials resistant to corrosion by UF₆":
Feed autoclaves, ovens or systems used for passing UF₆ to the enrichment process;
Desublimers or cold traps, used to remove UF₆ from the enrichment process for subsequn heating;
Product and tails stations for transferring UF₆ into containers;
Liquefaction or solidification stations used to remove UF₆ from the enrichment process by compressing, cooling and converting UF₆ to a liquid or solid form;
Piping systems and header systems specially designed or prepared for handling UF₆ within gaseous diffusion, centrifuge or aerodynamic cascades;
Vacuum systems and pumps as follows:
Vacuum manifolds, vacuum headers or vacuum pumps having a suction capacity of 5 m³/minute or more;
Vacuum pumps specially designed for use in UF₆ bearing atmospheres made of, or protected by, "materials resistant to corrosion by UF₆"; or
Vacuum systems consisting of vacuum manifolds, vacuum headers and vacuum pumps, and designed for service in UF₆-bearing atmospheres;
UF₆ mass spectrometers/ion sources capable of taking on-line samples from UF₆ gas streams and having all of the following characteristics:
Capable of measuring ions of 320 atomic mass units or greater and having a resolution of better than 1 part in 320;
Ion sources constructed of or protected by nickel, nickel-copper alloys with a nickel content of 60 % or more by weight, or nickel-chrome alloys;
Electron bombardment ionisation sources; and
Having a collector system suitable for isotopic analysis.
0B003 Plant for the conversion of uranium and equipment specially designed or prepared therefor, as follows:
Systems for the conversion of uranium ore concentrates to UO₃;
Systems for the conversion of UO₃ to UF₆;
Systems for the conversion of UO₃ to UO₂;
Systems for the conversion of UO₂ to UF₄;
Systems for the conversion of UF₄ to UF₆;
Systems for the conversion of UF₄ to uranium metal;
Systems for the conversion of UF₆ to UO₂;
Systems for the conversion of UF₆ to UF₄;
Systems for the conversion of UO₂ to UCl₄.
0B004 Plant for the production or concentration of heavy water, deuterium and deuterium compounds and specially designed or prepared equipment and components therefor, as follows:
Plant for the production of heavy water, deuterium or deuterium compounds, as follows:
Water-hydrogen sulphide exchange plants;
Ammonia-hydrogen exchange plants;
Equipment and components, as follows:
Water-hydrogen sulphide exchange towers with diameters of 1,5 m or more, capable of operating at pressures greater than or equal to 2 MPa;
Single stage, low head (i.e., 0,2 MPa) centrifugal blowers or compressors for hydrogen sulphide gas circulation (i.e., gas containing more than 70 % by weight hydrogen sulphide, H₂S) with a throughput capacity greater than or equal to 56 m³/s when operating at pressures greater than or equal to 1,8 MPa suction and having seals designed for wet H₂S service;
Ammonia-hydrogen exchange towers greater than or equal to 35 m in height with diameters of 1,5 m to 2,5 m capable of operating at pressures greater than 15 MPa;
Tower internals, including stage contactors, and stage pumps, including those which are submersible, for heavy water production utilising the ammonia-hydrogen exchange process;
Ammonia crackers with operating pressures greater than or equal to 3 MPa for heavy water production utilising the ammonia-hydrogen exchange process;
Infrared absorption analysers capable of on-line hydrogen/deuterium ratio analysis where deuterium concentrations are equal to or greater than 90 % by weight;
Catalytic burners for the conversion of enriched deuterium gas into heavy water utilising the ammonia-hydrogen exchange process;
Complete heavy water upgrade systems, or columns therefor, for the upgrade of heavy water to reactor-grade deuterium concentration;
Ammonia synthesis converters or synthesis units specially designed or prepared for heavy water production utilising the ammonia-hydrogen exchange process.
0B005 Plant specially designed for the fabrication of "nuclear reactor" fuel elements and specially designed or prepared equipment therefor.

Technical Note:

Specially designed or prepared equipment for the fabrication of "nuclear reactor" fuel elements includes equipment which:

1. Normally comes into direct contact with or directly processes or controls the production flow of nuclear materials;
2. Seals the nuclear materials within the cladding;
3. Checks the integrity of the cladding or the seal;
4. Checks the finish treatment of the sealed fuel; or
5. Is used for assembling reactor elements.
0B006 Plant for the reprocessing of irradiated "nuclear reactor" fuel elements, and specially designed or prepared equipment and components therefor.

0B006 includes:

Plant for the reprocessing of irradiated "nuclear reactor" fuel elements including equipment and components which normally come into direct contact with and directly control the irradiated fuel and the major nuclear material and fission product processing streams;
Fuel element decladding equipment and chopping or shredding machines, i.e., remotely operated equipment to cut, chop or shear irradiated "nuclear reactor" fuel assemblies, bundles or rods;
Dissolver vessels or dissolvers employing mechanical devices specially designed or prepared for the dissolution of irradiated "nuclear reactor" fuel, which are capable of withstanding hot, highly corrosive liquids, and which can be remotely loaded, operated and maintained;
Solvent extractors, such as packed or pulsed columns, mixer settlers or centrifugal contractors, resistant to the corrosive effects of nitric acid and specially designed or prepared for use in a plant for the reprocessing of irradiated "natural uranium", "depleted uranium" or "special fissile materials";
Holding or storage vessels specially designed to be critically safe and resistant to the corrosive effects of nitric acid;

Technical Note:

Holding or storage vessels may have the following features:

1. Walls or internal structures with a boron equivalent (calculated for all constituent elements as defined in the note to 0C004) of at least two per cent;
2. A maximum diameter of 175 mm for cylindrical vessels; or
3. A maximum width of 75 mm for either a slab or annular vessel.
Neutron measurement systems specially designed or prepared for integration and use with automated process control systems in a plant for the reprocessing of irradiated "natural uranium", "depleted uranium" or "special fissile materials".
0B007 Plant for the conversion of plutonium and equipment specially designed or prepared therefor, as follows:
Systems for the conversion of plutonium nitrate to oxide;
Systems for plutonium metal production.
0C Materials
0C001 "Natural uranium" or "depleted uranium" or thorium in the form of metal, alloy, chemical compound or concentrate and any other material containing one or more of the foregoing;

Note:   0C001 does not control the following:

a. Four grammes or less of "natural uranium" or "depleted uranium" when contained in a sensing component in instruments;
b. "Depleted uranium" specially fabricated for the following civil non-nuclear applications:
1. Shielding;
2. Packaging;
3. Ballasts having a mass not greater than 100 kg;
4. Counter-weights having a mass not greater than 100 kg;
c. Alloys containing less than 5 % thorium;
d. Ceramic products containing thorium, which have been manufactured for non-nuclear use.
0C002 "Special fissile materials"

Note:   0C002 does not control four "effective grammes" or less when contained in a sensing component in instruments.

0C003 Deuterium, heavy water (deuterium oxide) and other compounds of deuterium, and mixtures and solutions containing deuterium, in which the isotopic ratio of deuterium to hydrogen exceeds 1:5 000 .
0C004 Graphite having a purity level better than 5 parts per million ‘boron equivalent’ and with a density greater than 1,50 g/cm³ for use in a "nuclear reactor", in quantities exceeding 1 kg.

N.B.   SEE ALSO 1C107.

Note 1:   For the purpose of export control, the competent authorities of the EU Member State in which the exporter is established will determine whether or not the exports of graphite meeting the above specifications are for "nuclear reactor" use. 0C004 does not control graphite having a purity level better than 5 ppm (parts per million) boron equivalent and with a density greater than 1,50 g/cm3 not for use in a "nuclear reactor".

Note 2:   In 0C004, ‘boron equivalent’ (BE) is defined as the sum of BEz for impurities (excluding BEcarbon since carbon is not considered an impurity) including boron, where:

BEZ (ppm) = CF × concentration of element Z in ppm;


and σΒ and σΖ are the thermal neutron capture cross sections (in barns) for naturally occurring boron and element Z respectively; and AB and AZ are the atomic masses of naturally occurring boron and element Z respectively.

0C005 Specially prepared compounds or powders for the manufacture of gaseous diffusion barriers, resistant to corrosion by UF₆ (e.g. nickel or alloys containing 60 % by weight or more nickel, aluminium oxide and fully fluorinated hydrocarbon polymers), having a purity of 99,9 % by weight or more and a particle size less than 10 μm measured by ASTM B330 standard and a high degree of particle size uniformity.
0D Software
0D001 "Software" specially designed or modified for the "development", "production" or "use" of goods specified in this Category.
0E Technology
0E001 "Technology" according to the Nuclear Technology Note for the "development", "production" or "use" of goods specified in this Category.
1A Systems, Equipment and Components
1A001 Components made from fluorinated compounds, as follows:
Seals, gaskets, sealants or fuel bladders, specially designed for "aircraft" or aerospace use, made from more than 50 % by weight of any of the materials specified in 1C009.b. or 1C009.c.;
Not used;
Not used;
1A002 "Composite" structures or laminates, as follows:

N.B.   SEE ALSO 1A202, 9A010 and 9A110.

Made from any of the following:
An organic "matrix" and "fibrous or filamentary materials" specified in 1C010.c. or 1C010.d.: or
Prepregs or preforms specified in 1C010.e.;
Made from a metal or carbon "matrix", and any of the following:
Carbon "fibrous or filamentary materials" having all of the following:
a. A "specific modulus" exceeding 10,15 × 10⁶ m; and
b. A "specific tensile strength" exceeding 17,7 × 10⁴ m; or
Materials specified in 1C010.c.

Note 1:   1A002 does not control "composite" structures or laminates made from epoxy resin impregnated carbon "fibrous or filamentary materials" for the repair of "civil aircraft" structures or laminates, having all of the following:

a. An area not exceeding 1 m²;
b. A length not exceeding 2,5 m; and
c. A width exceeding 15 mm.

Note 2:   1A002 does not control semi-finished items, specially designed for purely civilian applications as follows:

a. Sporting goods;
b. Automotive industry;
c. Machine tool industry;
d. Medical applications.

Note 3:   1A002.b.1. does not control semi-finished items containing a maximum of two dimensions of interwoven filaments and specially designed for applications as follows:

a. Metal heat-treatment furnaces for tempering metals;
b. Silicon boule production equipment.

Note 4:   1A002 does not control finished items specially designed for a specific application.

Note 5:   1A002.b.1. does not control mechanically chopped, milled, or cut carbon "fibrous or filamentary materials" 25,0 mm or less in length.

1A003 Manufactures of non-"fusible" aromatic polyimides in film, sheet, tape or ribbon form having any of the following:
A thickness exceeding 0,254 mm; or
Coated or laminated with carbon, graphite, metals or magnetic substances.

Note:   1A003 does not control manufactures when coated or laminated with copper and designed for the production of electronic printed circuit boards.

N.B.   For "fusible" aromatic polyimides in any form, see 1C008.a.3.

1A004 Protective and detection equipment and components not specially designed for military use, as follows:


Full face masks, filter canisters and decontamination equipment therefor, designed or modified for defence against any of the following, and specially designed components therefor:

Note:   1A004.a. includes Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPR) that are designed or modified for defence against agents or materials, listed in 1A004.a.

Technical Note:

For the purposes of 1A004.a.:

1. Full face masks are also known as gas masks.
2. Filter canisters include filter cartridges.
"Biological agents";
‘Radioactive materials’;
Chemical warfare (CW) agents; or
"Riot control agents", including:
a. α-Bromobenzeneacetonitrile, (Bromobenzyl cyanide) (CA) (CAS 5798-79-8);
b. [(2-Chlorophenyl) methylene] propanedinitrile, (o-Chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile) (CS) (CAS 2698-41-1);
c. 2-Chloro-1-phenylethanone, Phenylacyl chloride (ω-chloroacetophenone) (CN) (CAS 532-27-4);
d. Dibenz-(b,f)-1,4-oxazephine (CR) (CAS 257-07-8);
e. 10-Chloro-5,10-dihydrophenarsazine, (Phenarsazine chloride), (Adamsite), (DM) (CAS 578-94-9);
f. N-Nonanoylmorpholine, (MPA) (CAS 5299-64-9);
Protective suits, gloves and shoes, specially designed or modified for defence against any of the following:
"Biological agents";
‘Radioactive materials’; or
Chemical warfare (CW) agents;
Detection systems, specially designed or modified for detection or identification of any of the following, and specially designed components therefor:
"Biological agents";
‘Radioactive materials’; or
Chemical warfare (CW) agents.
Electronic equipment designed for automatically detecting or identifying the presence of "explosives" residues and utilising ‘trace detection’ techniques (e.g., surface acoustic wave, ion mobility spectrometry, differential mobility spectrometry, mass spectrometry).

Technical Note:

‘Trace detection’ is defined as the capability to detect less than 1 ppm vapour, or 1 mg solid or liquid.

Note 1:   1A004.d. does not control equipment specially designed for laboratory use.

Note 2:   1A004.d. does not control non-contact walk-through security portals.

Note:   1A004 does not control:

a. Personal radiation monitoring dosimeters;
b. Occupational health or safety equipment limited by design or function to protect against hazards specific to residential safety or civil industries, including:
1. mining;
2. quarrying;
3. agriculture;
4. pharmaceutical;
5. medical;
6. veterinary;
7. environmental;
8. waste management;
9. food industry.

Technical Notes:

1.   1A004 includes equipment and components that have been identified, successfully tested to national standards or otherwise proven effective, for the detection of or defence against ‘radioactive materials’, "biological agents", chemical warfare agents, ‘simulants’ or "riot control agents", even if such equipment or components are used in civil industries such as mining, quarrying, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, medical, veterinary, environmental, waste management, or the food industry.

2.   ‘Simulant’ is a substance or material that is used in place of toxic agent (chemical or biological) in training, research, testing or evaluation.

3.   For the purposes of 1A004, ‘radioactive materials’ are those selected or modified to increase their effectiveness in producing casualties in humans or animals, degrading equipment or damaging crops or the environment.

1A005 Body armour and components therefor, as follows:


Soft body armour not manufactured to military standards or specifications, or to their equivalents, and specially designed components therefor;
Hard body armour plates providing ballistic protection equal to or less than level IIIA (NIJ 0101 .06, July 2008), or "equivalent standards".

N.B.   For "fibrous or filamentary materials" used in the manufacture of body armour, see 1C010.

Note 1:   1A005 does not control body armour when accompanying its user for the user's own personal protection.

Note 2:   1A005 does not control body armour designed to provide frontal protection only from both fragment and blast from non-military explosive devices.

Note 3:   1A005 does not control body armour designed to provide protection only from knife, spike, needle or blunt trauma.

1A006 Equipment, specially designed or modified for the disposal of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), as follows, and specially designed components and accessories therefor:


Remotely operated vehicles;

Technical Note:

For the purposes of 1A006.b. ‘disruptors’ are devices specially designed for the purpose of preventing the operation of an explosive device by projecting a liquid, solid or frangible projectile.

Note:   1A006 does not control equipment when accompanying its operator.

1A007 Equipment and devices, specially designed to initiate charges and devices containing "energetic materials", by electrical means, as follows:


Explosive detonator firing sets designed to drive explosive detonators specified in 1A007.b.;
Electrically driven explosive detonators as follows:
Exploding bridge (EB);
Exploding bridge wire (EBW);
Exploding foil initiators (EFI).

Technical Notes:

1.   The word initiator or igniter is sometimes used in place of the word detonator.

2.   For the purpose of 1A007.b. the detonators of concern all utilise a small electrical conductor (bridge, bridge wire, or foil) that explosively vaporises when a fast, high-current electrical pulse is passed through it. In non-slapper types, the exploding conductor starts a chemical detonation in a contacting high explosive material such as PETN (pentaerythritoltetranitrate). In slapper detonators, the explosive vaporization of the electrical conductor drives a flyer or slapper across a gap, and the impact of the slapper on an explosive starts a chemical detonation. The slapper in some designs is driven by magnetic force. The term exploding foil detonator may refer to either an EB or a slapper-type detonator.


According to Article 11, listed in Annex IV part 1: this item requires an authorisation for intra-Union transfers.

1A008 Charges, devices and components, as follows:
‘Shaped charges’ having all of the following:
Net Explosive Quantity (NEQ) greater than 90 g; and
Outer casing diameter equal to or greater than 75 mm;
Linear shaped cutting charges having all of the following, and specially designed components therefor:
An explosive load greater than 40 g/m; and
A width of 10 mm or more;
Detonating cord with explosive core load greater than 64 g/m;
Cutters, other than those specified in 1A008.b., and severing tools, having a Net Explosive Quantity (NEQ) greater than 3,5 kg.

Technical Note:

‘Shaped charges’ are explosive charges shaped to focus the effects of the explosive blast.

1A102 Resaturated pyrolised carbon-carbon components designed for space launch vehicles specified in 9A004 or sounding rockets specified in 9A104.
1A202 Composite structures, other than those specified in 1A002, in the form of tubes and having both of the following characteristics:

N.B.   SEE ALSO 9A010 AND 9A110.

An inside diameter of between 75 mm and 400 mm; and
Made with any of the "fibrous or filamentary materials" specified in 1C010.a. or b. or 1C210.a. or with carbon prepreg materials specified in 1C210.c.
1A225 Platinized catalysts specially designed or prepared for promoting the hydrogen isotope exchange reaction between hydrogen and water for the recovery of tritium from heavy water or for the production of heavy water.
1A226 Specialised packings which may be used in separating heavy water from ordinary water, having both of the following characteristics:
Made of phosphor bronze mesh chemically treated to improve wettability; and
Designed to be used in vacuum distillation towers.
1A227 High-density (lead glass or other) radiation shielding windows, having all of the following characteristics, and specially designed frames therefor:
A ‘cold area’ greater than 0,09 m²;
A density greater than 3 g/cm³; and
A thickness of 100 mm or greater.

Technical Note:

In 1A227 the term ‘cold area’ means the viewing area of the window exposed to the lowest level of radiation in the design application.

1B Test, Inspection and Production Equipment
1B001 Equipment for the production or inspection of "composite" structures or laminates specified in 1A002 or "fibrous or filamentary materials" specified in 1C010, as follows, and specially designed components and accessories therefor:

N.B.   SEE ALSO 1B101 AND 1B201.

Filament winding machines, of which the motions for positioning, wrapping and winding fibres are coordinated and programmed in three or more ‘primary servo positioning’ axes, specially designed for the manufacture of "composite" structures or laminates, from "fibrous or filamentary materials";
‘Tape-laying machines’, of which the motions for positioning and laying tape are coordinated and programmed in five or more ‘primary servo positioning’ axes, specially designed for the manufacture of "composite" airframe or ‘missile’ structures;

Note:   In 1B001.b., ‘missile’ means complete rocket systems and unmanned aerial vehicle systems.

Technical Note:

For the purposes of 1B001.b., ‘tape-laying machines’ have the ability to lay one or more ‘filament bands’ limited to widths greater than 25,4 mm and less than or equal to 304,8 mm, and to cut and restart individual ‘filament band’ courses during the laying process.

Multidirectional, multidimensional weaving machines or interlacing machines, including adapters and modification kits, specially designed or modified for weaving, interlacing or braiding fibres, for "composite" structures;

Technical Note:

For the purposes of 1B001.c., the technique of interlacing includes knitting.

Equipment specially designed or adapted for the production of reinforcement fibres, as follows:
Equipment for converting polymeric fibres (such as polyacrylonitrile, rayon, pitch or polycarbosilane) into carbon fibres or silicon carbide fibres, including special equipment to strain the fibre during heating;
Equipment for the chemical vapour deposition of elements or compounds, on heated filamentary substrates, to manufacture silicon carbide fibres;
Equipment for the wet-spinning of refractory ceramics (such as aluminium oxide);
Equipment for converting aluminium containing precursor fibres into alumina fibres by heat treatment;
Equipment for producing prepregs specified in 1C010.e. by the hot melt method;
Non-destructive inspection equipment specially designed for "composite" materials, as follows:
X-ray tomography systems for three dimensional defect inspection;
Numerically controlled ultrasonic testing machines of which the motions for positioning transmitters or receivers are simultaneously coordinated and programmed in four or more axes to follow the three dimensional contours of the component under inspection;
‘Tow-placement machines’, of which the motions for positioning and laying tows are coordinated and programmed in two or more ‘primary servo positioning’ axes, specially designed for the manufacture of "composite" airframe or ‘missile’ structures.

Technical Note:

For the purposes of 1B001.g., ‘tow-placement machines’ have the ability to place one or more ‘filament bands’ having widths less than or equal to 25,4 mm, and to cut and restart individual ‘filament band’ courses during the placement process.

Technical Notes:

1.   For the purpose of 1B001, ‘primary servo positioning’ axes control, under computer program direction, the position of the end effector (i.e., head) in space relative to the work piece at the correct orientation and direction to achieve the desired process.

2.   For the purposes of 1B001, a ‘filament band’ is a single continuous width of fully or partially resin-impregnated tape, tow or fibre. Fully or partially resin-impregnated ‘filament bands’ include those coated with dry powder that tacks upon heating.

1B002 Equipment designed to produce metal alloy powder or particulate materials, and having all of the following:
Specially designed to avoid contamination; and
Specially designed for use in one of the processes specified in 1C002.c.2.

N.B.   SEE ALSO 1B102.

1B003 Tools, dies, moulds or fixtures, for "superplastic forming" or "diffusion bonding" titanium, aluminium or their alloys, specially designed for the manufacture of any of the following:
Airframe or aerospace structures;
"Aircraft" or aerospace engines; or
Specially designed components for structures specified in 1B003.a. or for engines specified in 1B003.b.
1B101 Equipment, other than that specified in 1B001, for the "production" of structural composites as follows; and specially designed components and accessories therefor:

N.B.   SEE ALSO 1B201.

Note:   Components and accessories specified in 1B101 include moulds, mandrels, dies, fixtures and tooling for the preform pressing, curing, casting, sintering or bonding of composite structures, laminates and manufactures thereof.

Filament winding machines or fibre placement machines, of which the motions for positioning, wrapping and winding fibres can be coordinated and programmed in three or more axes, designed to fabricate composite structures or laminates from "fibrous or filamentary materials", and coordinating and programming controls;
Tape-laying machines of which the motions for positioning and laying tape and sheets can be coordinated and programmed in two or more axes, designed for the manufacture of composite airframe and "missile" structures;
Equipment designed or modified for the "production" of "fibrous or filamentary materials" as follows:
Equipment for converting polymeric fibres (such as polyacrylonitrile, rayon or polycarbosilane) including special provision to strain the fibre during heating;
Equipment for the vapour deposition of elements or compounds on heated filament substrates;
Equipment for the wet-spinning of refractory ceramics (such as aluminium oxide);
Equipment designed or modified for special fibre surface treatment or for producing prepregs and preforms specified in entry 9C110.

Note:   1B101.d. includes rollers, tension stretchers, coating equipment, cutting equipment and clicker dies.

1B102 Metal powder "production equipment", other than that specified in 1B002, and components as follows:

N.B.   SEE ALSO 1B115.b.

Metal powder "production equipment" usable for the "production", in a controlled environment, of spherical, spheroidal or atomised materials specified in 1C011.a., 1C011.b., 1C111.a.1., 1C111.a.2. or in the Military Goods Controls.
Specially designed components for "production equipment" specified in 1B002 or 1B102.a.

Note:   1B102 includes:

a. Plasma generators (high frequency arc-jet) usable for obtaining sputtered or spherical metallic powders with organization of the process in an argon-water environment;
b. Electroburst equipment usable for obtaining sputtered or spherical metallic powders with organization of the process in an argon-water environment;
c. Equipment usable for the "production" of spherical aluminium powders by powdering a melt in an inert medium (e.g. nitrogen).
1B115 Equipment, other than that specified in 1B002 or 1B102, for the production of propellant and propellant constituents, as follows, and specially designed components therefor:
"Production equipment" for the "production", handling or acceptance testing of liquid propellants or propellant constituents specified in 1C011.a., 1C011.b., 1C111 or in the Military Goods Controls;
"Production equipment" for the "production", handling, mixing, curing, casting, pressing, machining, extruding or acceptance testing of solid propellants or propellant constituents specified in 1C011.a., 1C011.b., 1C111 or in the Military Goods Controls.

Note:   1B115.b. does not control batch mixers, continuous mixers or fluid energy mills. For the control of batch mixers, continuous mixers and fluid energy mills see 1B117, 1B118 and 1B119.

Note 1:   For equipment specially designed for the production of military goods, see the Military Goods Controls.

Note 2:   1B115 does not control equipment for the "production", handling and acceptance testing of boron carbide.

1B116 Specially designed nozzles for producing pyrolitically derived materials formed on a mould, mandrel or other substrate from precursor gases which decompose in the 1 573 K (1 300  °C) to 3 173 K (2 900  °C) temperature range at pressures of 130 Pa to 20 kPa.
1B117 Batch mixers having all of the following, and specially designed components therefor:
Designed or modified for mixing under vacuum in the range of zero to 13,326 kPa:
Capable of controlling the temperature of the mixing chamber;
A total volumetric capacity of 110 litres or more; and
At least one ‘mixing/kneading shaft’ mounted off centre.

Note:   In 1B117.d. the term ‘mixing/kneading shaft’ does not refer to deagglomerators or knife-spindles.

1B118 Continuous mixers having all of the following, and specially designed components therefor:
Designed or modified for mixing under vacuum in the range of zero to 13,326 kPa;
Capable of controlling the temperature of the mixing chamber;
any of the following:
Two or more mixing/kneading shafts; or
All of the following:
a. A single rotating and oscillating shaft with kneading teeth/pins; and
b. Kneading teeth/pins inside the casing of the mixing chamber.
1B119 Fluid energy mills usable for grinding or milling substances specified in 1C011.a., 1C011.b., 1C111 or in the Military Goods Controls, and specially designed components therefor.
1B201 Filament winding machines, other than those specified in 1B001 or 1B101, and related equipment, as follows:
Filament winding machines having all of the following characteristics:
Having motions for positioning, wrapping, and winding fibres coordinated and programmed in two or more axes;
Specially designed to fabricate composite structures or laminates from "fibrous or filamentary materials"; and
Capable of winding cylindrical tubes with an internal diameter between 75 and 650 mm and lengths of 300 mm or greater;
Coordinating and programming controls for the filament winding machines specified in 1B201.a.;
Precision mandrels for the filament winding machines specified in 1B201.a.
1B225 Electrolytic cells for fluorine production with an output capacity greater than 250 g of fluorine per hour.
1B226 Electromagnetic isotope separators designed for, or equipped with, single or multiple ion sources capable of providing a total ion beam current of 50 mA or greater.

Note:   1B226 includes separators:

a. Capable of enriching stable isotopes;
b. With the ion sources and collectors both in the magnetic field and those configurations in which they are external to the field.
1B228 Hydrogen-cryogenic distillation columns having all of the following characteristics:
Designed for operation with internal temperatures of 35 K (–238 °C) or less;
Designed for operation at an internal pressure of 0,5 to 5 MPa;
Constructed of either:
Stainless steel of the Society of Automotive Engineers International (SAE) 300 series with low sulphur content and with an austenitic ASTM (or equivalent standard) grain size number of 5 or greater; or
Equivalent materials which are both cryogenic and hydrogen (H₂)-compatible; and
With internal diameters of 30 cm or greater and ‘effective lengths’ of 4 m or greater.

Technical Note:

In 1B228 ‘effective length’ means the active height of packing material in a packed-type column, or the active height of internal contactor plates in a plate-type column.

1B230 Pumps capable of circulating solutions of concentrated or dilute potassium amide catalyst in liquid ammonia (KNH₂/NH₃), having all of the following characteristics:
Airtight (i.e., hermetically sealed);
A capacity greater than 8,5 m³/h; and
Either of the following characteristics:
For concentrated potassium amide solutions (1 % or greater), an operating pressure of 1,5 to 60 MPa; or
For dilute potassium amide solutions (less than 1 %), an operating pressure of 20 to 60 MPa.
1B231 Tritium facilities or plants, and equipment therefor, as follows:
Facilities or plants for the production, recovery, extraction, concentration, or handling of tritium;
Equipment for tritium facilities or plants, as follows:
Hydrogen or helium refrigeration units capable of cooling to 23 K (–250 °C) or less, with heat removal capacity greater than 150 W;
Hydrogen isotope storage or hydrogen isotope purification systems using metal hydrides as the storage or purification medium.
1B232 Turboexpanders or turboexpander-compressor sets having both of the following characteristics:
Designed for operation with an outlet temperature of 35 K (–238 °C) or less; and
Designed for a throughput of hydrogen gas of 1 000 kg/h or greater.
1B233 Lithium isotope separation facilities or plants, and systems and equipment therefor, as follows:
Facilities or plants for the separation of lithium isotopes;
Equipment for the separation of lithium isotopes based on the lithium-mercury amalgam process, as follows:
Packed liquid-liquid exchange columns specially designed for lithium amalgams;
Mercury or lithium amalgam pumps;
Lithium amalgam electrolysis cells;
Evaporators for concentrated lithium hydroxide solution;
Ion exchange systems specially designed for lithium isotope separation, and specially designed components therefor;
Chemical exchange systems (employing crown ethers, cryptands, or lariat ethers), specially designed for lithium isotope separation, and specially designed components therefor.
1B234 High explosive containment vessels, chambers, containers and other similar containment devices designed for the testing of high explosives or explosive devices and having both of the following characteristics:


Designed to fully contain an explosion equivalent to 2 kg of trinitrotoluene (TNT) or greater; and
Having design elements or features enabling real time or delayed transfer of diagnostic or measurement information.
1B235 Target assemblies and components for the production of tritium as follows:
Target assemblies made of or containing lithium enriched in the lithium-6 isotope specially designed for the production of tritium through irradiation, including insertion in a nuclear reactor;
Components specially designed for the target assemblies specified in 1B235.a.

Technical Note:

Components specially designed for target assemblies for the production of tritium may include lithium pellets, tritium getters, and specially-coated cladding.

1C Materials

Technical Note:

Metals and alloys:
Unless provision to the contrary is made, the words ‘metals’ and ‘alloys’ in 1C001 to 1C012 cover crude and semi-fabricated forms, as follows:
Crude forms:
Anodes, balls, bars (including notched bars and wire bars), billets, blocks, blooms, brickets, cakes, cathodes, crystals, cubes, dice, grains, granules, ingots, lumps, pellets, pigs, powder, rondelles, shot, slabs, slugs, sponge, sticks;
Semi-fabricated forms (whether or not coated, plated, drilled or punched):
a. Wrought or worked materials fabricated by rolling, drawing, extruding, forging, impact extruding, pressing, graining, atomising, and grinding, i.e.: angles, channels, circles, discs, dust, flakes, foils and leaf, forging, plate, powder, pressings and stampings, ribbons, rings, rods (including bare welding rods, wire rods, and rolled wire), sections, shapes, sheets, strip, pipe and tubes (including tube rounds, squares, and hollows), drawn or extruded wire;
b. Cast material produced by casting in sand, die, metal, plaster or other types of moulds, including high pressure castings, sintered forms, and forms made by powder metallurgy.
The object of the control should not be defeated by the export of non-listed forms alleged to be finished products but representing in reality crude forms or semi-fabricated forms.
1C001 Materials specially designed for absorbing electromagnetic radiation, or intrinsically conductive polymers, as follows:

N.B.   SEE ALSO 1C101.

Materials for absorbing frequencies exceeding 2 × 10⁸ Hz but less than 3 × 10¹² Hz;

Note 1:   1C001.a. does not control:

a. Hair type absorbers, constructed of natural or synthetic fibres, with non-magnetic loading to provide absorption;
b. Absorbers having no magnetic loss and whose incident surface is non-planar in shape, including pyramids, cones, wedges and convoluted surfaces;
c. Planar absorbers, having all of the following:
1. Made from any of the following:
a. Plastic foam materials (flexible or non-flexible) with carbon-loading, or organic materials, including binders, providing more than 5 % echo compared with metal over a bandwidth exceeding ±15 % of the centre frequency of the incident energy, and not capable of withstanding temperatures exceeding 450 K (177 °C); or
b. Ceramic materials providing more than 20 % echo compared with metal over a bandwidth exceeding ±15 % of the centre frequency of the incident energy, and not capable of withstanding temperatures exceeding 800 K (527 °C);

Technical Note:

Absorption test samples for 1C001.a. Note: 1.c.1. should be a square at least 5 wavelengths of the centre frequency on a side and positioned in the far field of the radiating element.

2. Tensile strength less than 7 × 106 N/m2and
3. Compressive strength less than 14 × 106 N/m2;
d. Planar absorbers made of sintered ferrite, having all of the following:
1. A specific gravity exceeding 4,4; and
2. A maximum operating temperature of 548 K (275 °C) or less;
e. Planar absorbers having no magnetic loss and fabricated from ‘open-cell foam’ plastic material with a density of 0,15 g/cm3 or less.

Technical Note:

‘Open-cell foams’ are flexible and porous materials, having an inner structure open to the atmosphere. ‘Open-cell foams’ are also known as reticulated foams.

Note 2:   Nothing in Note 1 to 1C001.a. releases magnetic materials to provide absorption when contained in paint.

Materials not transparent to visible light and specially designed for absorbing near-infrared radiation having a wavelength exceeding 810 nm but less than 2 000 nm (frequencies exceeding 150 THz but less than 370 THz);

Materials not transparent to visible light and specially designed for absorbing near-infrared radiation having a wavelength exceeding 810 nm but less than 2 000  nm (frequencies exceeding 150 THz but less than 370 THz);

Note:   1C001.b. does not control materials, specially designed or formulated for any of the following applications:

a. "Laser" marking of polymers; or
b. "Laser" welding of polymers.
Intrinsically conductive polymeric materials with a ‘bulk electrical conductivity’ exceeding 10 000 S/m (Siemens per metre) or a ‘sheet (surface) resistivity’ of less than 100 ohms/square, based on any of the following polymers:
Poly phenylene-vinylene; or
Poly thienylene-vinylene.

Note:   1C001.c. does not control materials in a liquid form.

Technical Note:

‘Bulk electrical conductivity’ and ‘sheet (surface) resistivity’ should be determined using ASTM D-257 or national equivalents.

According to Article 11, listed in Annex IV part 1: this item requires an authorisation for intra-Union transfers.

1C002 Metal alloys, metal alloy powder and alloyed materials, as follows:

N.B.   SEE ALSO 1C202.

Note:   1C002 does not control metal alloys, metal alloy powder and alloyed materials, specially formulated for coating purposes.

Technical Notes:

1.   The metal alloys in 1C002 are those containing a higher percentage by weight of the stated metal than of any other element.

2.   ‘Stress-rupture life’ should be measured in accordance with ASTM standard E-139 or national equivalents.

3.   ‘Low cycle fatigue life’ should be measured in accordance with ASTM standard E-606 ‘Recommended Practice for Constant-Amplitude Low-Cycle Fatigue Testing’ or national equivalents. Testing should be axial with an average stress ratio equal to 1 and a stress-concentration factor (Kt) equal to 1. The average stress ratio is defined as maximum stress minus minimum stress divided by maximum stress.

Aluminides, as follows:
Nickel aluminides containing a minimum of 15 % by weight aluminium, a maximum of 38 % by weight aluminium and at least one additional alloying element;
Titanium aluminides containing 10 % by weight or more aluminium and at least one additional alloying element;
Metal alloys, as follows, made from the powder or particulate material specified in 1C002.c.:
Nickel alloys having any of the following:
a. A ‘stress-rupture life’ of 10 000 hours or longer at 923 K (650 °C) at a stress of 676 MPa; or
b. A ‘low cycle fatigue life’ of 10 000 cycles or more at 823 K (550 °C) at a maximum stress of 1 095 MPa;
Niobium alloys having any of the following:
a. A ‘stress-rupture life’ of 10 000 hours or longer at 1 073 K (800 °C) at a stress of 400 MPa; or
b. A ‘low cycle fatigue life’ of 10 000 cycles or more at 973 K (700 °C) at a maximum stress of 700 MPa;
Titanium alloys having any of the following:
a. A ‘stress-rupture life’ of 10 000 hours or longer at 723 K (450 °C) at a stress of 200 MPa; or
b. A ‘low cycle fatigue life’ of 10 000 cycles or more at 723 K (450 °C) at a maximum stress of 400 MPa;
Aluminium alloys having any of the following:
a. A tensile strength of 240 MPa or more at 473 K (200 °C); or
b. A tensile strength of 415 MPa or more at 298 K (25 °C);
Magnesium alloys having all of the following:
a. A tensile strength of 345 MPa or more; and
b. A corrosion rate of less than 1 mm/year in 3 % sodium chloride aqueous solution measured in accordance with ASTM standard G-31 or national equivalents;
Metal alloy powder or particulate material, having all of the following:
Made from any of the following composition systems:

Technical Note:

X in the following equals one or more alloying elements.

a. Nickel alloys (Ni-Al-X, Ni-X-Al) qualified for turbine engine parts or components, i.e. with less than 3 non-metallic particles (introduced during the manufacturing process) larger than 100 μm in 109 alloy particles;
b. Niobium alloys (Nb-Al-X or Nb-X-Al, Nb-Si-X or Nb-X-Si, Nb-Ti-X or Nb-X-Ti);
c. Titanium alloys (Ti-Al-X or Ti-X-Al);
d. Aluminium alloys (Al-Mg-X or Al-X-Mg, Al-Zn-X or Al-X-Zn, Al-Fe-X or Al-X-Fe); or
e. Magnesium alloys (Mg-Al-X or Mg-X-Al);
Made in a controlled environment by any of the following processes:
a. ‘Vacuum atomisation’;
b. ‘Gas atomisation’;
c. ‘Rotary atomisation’;
d. ‘Splat quenching’;
e. ‘Melt spinning’ and ‘comminution’;
f. ‘Melt extraction’ and ‘comminution’;
g. ‘Mechanical alloying’; or
h. ‘Plasma atomisation’; and
Capable of forming materials specified in 1C002.a. or 1C002.b.;
Alloyed materials having all of the following:
Made from any of the composition systems specified in 1C002.c.1.;
In the form of uncomminuted flakes, ribbons or thin rods; and
Produced in a controlled environment by any of the following:
a. ‘Splat quenching’;
b. ‘Melt spinning’; or
c. ‘Melt extraction’.

Technical Notes:

1.   ‘Vacuum atomisation’ is a process to reduce a molten stream of metal to droplets of a diameter of 500 μm or less by the rapid evolution of a dissolved gas upon exposure to a vacuum.

2.   ‘Gas atomisation’ is a process to reduce a molten stream of metal alloy to droplets of 500 μm diameter or less by a high pressure gas stream.

3.   ‘Rotary atomisation’ is a process to reduce a stream or pool of molten metal to droplets to a diameter of 500 μm or less by centrifugal force.

4.   ‘Splat quenching’ is a process to ‘solidify rapidly’ a molten metal stream impinging upon a chilled block, forming a flake-like product.

5.   ‘Melt spinning’ is a process to ‘solidify rapidly’ a molten metal stream impinging upon a rotating chilled block, forming a flake, ribbon or rod-like product.

6.   ‘Comminution’ is a process to reduce a material to particles by crushing or grinding.

7.   ‘Melt extraction’ is a process to ‘solidify rapidly’ and extract a ribbon-like alloy product by the insertion of a short segment of a rotating chilled block into a bath of a molten metal alloy.

8.   ‘Mechanical alloying’ is an alloying process resulting from the bonding, fracturing and rebonding of elemental and master alloy powders by mechanical impact. Non-metallic particles may be incorporated in the alloy by addition of the appropriate powders.

9.   ‘Plasma atomisation’ is a process to reduce a molten stream or solid metal to droplets of 500 μm diameter or less, using plasma torches in an inert gas environment.

10.   ‘Solidify rapidly’ is a process involving the solidification of molten material at cooling rates exceeding 1 000 K/sec.

1C003 Magnetic metals, of all types and of whatever form, having any of the following:
Initial relative permeability of 120 000 or more and a thickness of 0,05 mm or less;

Technical Note:

Measurement of initial relative permeability must be performed on fully annealed materials.

Magnetostrictive alloys having any of the following:
A saturation magnetostriction of more than 5 × 10⁻⁴; or
A magnetomechanical coupling factor (k) of more than 0,8; or
Amorphous or ‘nanocrystalline’ alloy strips, having all of the following:
A composition having a minimum of 75 % by weight of iron, cobalt or nickel;
A saturation magnetic induction (Bs) of 1,6 T or more; and
Any of the following:
a. A strip thickness of 0,02 mm or less; or
b. An electrical resistivity of 2 × 10–4 ohm cm or more.

Technical Note:

‘Nanocrystalline’ materials in 1C003.c. are those materials having a crystal grain size of 50 nm or less, as determined by X-ray diffraction.

1C004 Uranium titanium alloys or tungsten alloys with a "matrix" based on iron, nickel or copper, having all of the following:
A density exceeding 17,5 g/cm³;
An elastic limit exceeding 880 MPa;
An ultimate tensile strength exceeding 1 270 MPa; and
An elongation exceeding 8 %.
1C005 "Superconductive" "composite" conductors in lengths exceeding 100 m or with a mass exceeding 100 g, as follows:
"Superconductive" "composite" conductors consisting of one or more "superconductive" ‘filaments’ other than niobium-titanium, having all of the following:
A "critical temperature" at zero magnetic induction exceeding 9,85 K (–263,31 °C); and
Remaining in the "superconductive" state at a temperature of 4,2 K (–268,96 °C) when exposed to a magnetic field oriented in any direction perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of conductor and corresponding to a magnetic induction of 12 T with critical current density exceeding 1 750 A/mm² on overall cross-section of the conductor;
"Superconductive" "composite" conductors containing one or more niobium-titanium ‘filaments’, having all of the following:
Embedded in a "matrix" other than a copper or copper-based mixed "matrix"; and
Having a cross-section area less than 0,28 × 10⁻⁴ mm² (6 μm in diameter for circular ‘filaments’);
"Superconductive" "composite" conductors consisting of one or more "superconductive" ‘filaments’ which remain "superconductive" above 115 K (–158,16 °C).

Technical Note:

For the purpose of 1C005 ‘filaments’ may be in wire, cylinder, film, tape or ribbon form.

1C006 Fluids and lubricating materials, as follows:
Not used;
Lubricating materials containing, as their principal ingredients, any of the following:
Phenylene or alkylphenylene ethers or thio-ethers, or their mixtures, containing more than two ether or thio-ether functions or mixtures thereof; or
Fluorinated silicone fluids with a kinematic viscosity of less than 5 000 mm²/s (5 000 centistokes) measured at 298 K (25 °C);
Damping or flotation fluids having all of the following:
Purity exceeding 99,8 %;
Containing less than 25 particles of 200 μm or larger in size per 100 ml; and
Made from at least 85 % of any of the following:
a. Dibromotetrafluoroethane (CAS 25497-30-7, 124-73-2, 27336-23-8);
b. Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (oily and waxy modifications only); or
c. Polybromotrifluoroethylene;
Fluorocarbon fluids designed for electronic cooling and having all of the following:
Containing 85 % by weight or more of any of the following, or mixtures thereof:
a. Monomeric forms of perfluoropolyalkylether-triazines or perfluoroaliphatic-ethers;
b. Perfluoroalkylamines;
c. Perfluorocycloalkanes; or
d. Perfluoroalkanes;
Density at 298 K (25 °C) of 1,5 g/ml or more;
In a liquid state at 273 K (0 °C); and
Containing 60 % or more by weight of fluorine.

Note:   1C006.d. does not control materials specified and packaged as medical products.

1C007 Ceramic powders, ceramic-"matrix" "composite" materials and ‘precursor materials’, as follows:

N.B.   SEE ALSO 1C107.

Ceramic powders of titanium diboride (TiB2) (CAS 12045-63-5) having total metallic impurities, excluding intentional additions, of less than 5 000 ppm, an average particle size equal to or less than 5 μm and no more than 10 % of the particles larger than 10 μm;
Not used;
Ceramic-"matrix" "composite" materials as follows:
Ceramic-ceramic "composite" materials with a glass or oxide-"matrix" and reinforced with any of the following:
a. Continuous fibres made from any of the following materials:
1. Al2O3 (CAS 1344-28-1); or
2. Si-C-N; or
Note:   1C007.c.1.a. does not control "composites" containing fibres with a tensile strength of less than 700 MPa at 1 273 K (1 000  °C) or tensile creep resistance of more than 1 % creep strain at 100 MPa load and 1 273 K (1 000  °C) for 100 hours.
b. Fibres being all of the following:
1. Made from any of the following materials:
a. Si-N;
b. Si-C;
c. Si-Al-O-N; or
d. Si-O-N; and
2. Having a "specific tensile strength" exceeding 12,7 × 103m;
Ceramic “matrix” "composite" materials, with a "matrix" formed of carbides or nitrides of silicon, zirconium or boron;
Not used;
‘Precursor materials’ specially designed for the "production" of materials specified in 1C007.c., as follows:
Not used.

Technical Note:

For the purposes of 1C007, ‘precursor materials’ are special purpose polymeric or metallo-organic materials used for the "production" of silicon carbide, silicon nitride, or ceramics with silicon, carbon and nitrogen.

1C008 Non-fluorinated polymeric substances as follows:
Imides, as follows:
Aromatic polyamide-imides (PAI) having a ‘glass transition temperature (Tg)’ exceeding 563 K (290 °C);
Aromatic polyimides having a ‘glass transition temperature (Tg)’ exceeding 505 K (232 °C);
Aromatic polyetherimides having a ‘glass transition temperature (Tg)’ exceeding 563 K (290 °C);

Note:   1C008.a. controls substances in liquid or solid "fusible" form, including resin, powder, pellet, film, sheet, tape or ribbon.

N.B.   For non-"fusible" aromatic polyimides in film, sheet, tape or ribbon form, see 1A003.

Not used;
Not used;
Polyarylene ketones;
Polyarylene sulphides, where the arylene group is biphenylene, triphenylene or combinations thereof;
Polybiphenylenethersulphone having a ‘glass transition temperature (Tg)’ exceeding 563 K (290 °C).

Technical Notes:

1.   The ‘glass transition temperature (Tg)’ for 1C008.a.2. thermoplastic materials, 1C008.a.4. materials and 1C008.f. materials is determined using the method described in ISO 11357-2:1999 or national equivalents

2.   The ‘glass transition temperature (Tg)’ for 1C008.a.2. thermosetting materials and 1C008.a.3. materials is determined using the 3-point bend method described in ASTM D 7028-07 or equivalent national standard. The test is to be performed using a dry test specimen which has attained a minimum of 90 % degree of cure as specified by ASTM E 2160-04 or equivalent national standard, and was cured using the combination of standard- and post-cure processes that yield the highest Tg.

1C009 Unprocessed fluorinated compounds as follows:
Not used;
Fluorinated polyimides containing 10 % by weight or more of combined fluorine;
Fluorinated phosphazene elastomers containing 30 % by weight or more of combined fluorine.
1C010 "Fibrous or filamentary materials", as follows:

N.B.   SEE ALSO 1C210 AND 9C110.

Technical Notes:

1.   For the purpose of calculating "specific tensile strength", "specific modulus" or specific weight of "fibrous or filamentary materials" in 1C010.a., 1C010.b., 1C010.c. or 1C010.e.1.b., the tensile strength and modulus should be determined by using Method A described in ISO 10618:2004 or national equivalents.

2.   Assessing the "specific tensile strength", "specific modulus" or specific weight of non-unidirectional "fibrous or filamentary materials" (e.g., fabrics, random mats or braids) in 1C010 is to be based on the mechanical properties of the constituent unidirectional monofilaments (e.g., monofilaments, yarns, rovings or tows) prior to processing into the non-unidirectional "fibrous or filamentary materials".

Organic "fibrous or filamentary materials", having all of the following:
"Specific modulus" exceeding 12,7 × 10⁶ m; and
"Specific tensile strength" exceeding 23,5 × 10⁴ m;

Note:   1C010.a. does not control polyethylene.

Carbon "fibrous or filamentary materials", having all of the following:
"Specific modulus" exceeding 14,65 × 10⁶ m; and
"Specific tensile strength" exceeding 26,82 × 10⁴ m;

Note:   1C010.b. does not control:

a. "Fibrous or filamentary materials", for the repair of "civil aircraft" structures or laminates, having all of the following:
1. An area not exceeding 1 m2;
2. A length not exceeding 2,5 m; and
3. A width exceeding 15 mm.
b. Mechanically chopped, milled or cut carbon "fibrous or filamentary materials" 25,0 mm or less in length.
Inorganic "fibrous or filamentary materials", having all of the following:
Having any of the following:
a. Composed of 50 % or more by weight silicon dioxide and having a "specific modulus" exceeding 2,54 × 106 m; or
b. Not specified in 1C010.c.1.a. and having a "specific modulus" exceeding 5,6 × 106 m; and
Melting, softening, decomposition or sublimation point exceeding 1 922 K (1 649 °C) in an inert environment;

Note:   1C010.c. does not control:

a. Discontinuous, multiphase, polycrystalline alumina fibres in chopped fibre or random mat form, containing 3 % by weight or more silica, with a "specific modulus" of less than 10 × 106 m;
b. Molybdenum and molybdenum alloy fibres;
c. Boron fibres;
d. Discontinuous ceramic fibres with a melting, softening, decomposition or sublimation point lower than 2 043 K (1 770  °C) in an inert environment.
"Fibrous or filamentary materials", having any of the following:
Composed of any of the following:
a. Polyetherimides specified in 1C008.a.; or
b. Materials specified in 1C008.d. to 1C008.f.; or
Composed of materials specified in 1C010.d.1.a. or 1C010.d.1.b. and ‘commingled’ with other fibres specified in 1C010.a., 1C010.b. or 1C010.c.;

Technical Note:

‘Commingled’ is filament to filament blending of thermoplastic fibres and reinforcement fibres in order to produce a fibre reinforcement "matrix" mix in total fibre form.

Fully or partially resin-impregnated or pitch-impregnated "fibrous or filamentary materials" (prepregs), metal or carbon-coated "fibrous or filamentary materials" (preforms) or ‘carbon fibre preforms’, having all of the following:
Having any of the following:
a. Inorganic "fibrous or filamentary materials" specified in 1C010.c.; or
b. Organic or carbon "fibrous or filamentary materials", having all of the following:
1. "Specific modulus" exceeding 10,15 × 106 m; and
2. "Specific tensile strength" exceeding 17,7 × 104 m; and
Having any of the following:
a. Resin or pitch, specified in 1C008 or 1C009.b.;
b. ‘Dynamic Mechanical Analysis glass transition temperature (DMA Tg)’ equal to or exceeding 453 K (180 °C) and having a phenolic resin; or
c. ‘Dynamic Mechanical Analysis glass transition temperature (DMA Tg)’ equal to or exceeding 505 K (232 °C) and having a resin or pitch, not specified in 1C008 or 1C009.b., and not being a phenolic resin;

Note 1:   Metal or carbon-coated "fibrous or filamentary materials" (preforms) or ‘carbon fibre preforms’, not impregnated with resin or pitch, are specified by "fibrous or filamentary materials" in 1C010.a., 1C010.b. or 1C010.c.

Note 2:   1C010.e. does not control:

a. Epoxy resin "matrix" impregnated carbon "fibrous or filamentary materials" (prepregs) for the repair of "civil aircraft" structures or laminates, having all the following;
1. An area not exceeding 1 m2;
2. A length not exceeding 2,5 m; and
3. A width exceeding 15 mm.
b. Fully or partially resin-impregnated or pitch-impregnated mechanically chopped, milled or cut carbon "fibrous or filamentary materials" 25,0 mm or less in length when using a resin or pitch other than those specified in 1C008 or 1C009.b.

Technical Notes:

1.   ‘Carbon fibre preforms’ are an ordered arrangement of uncoated or coated fibres intended to constitute a framework of a part before the "matrix" is introduced to form a "composite".

2.   The ‘Dynamic Mechanical Analysis glass transition temperature (DMA Tg)’ for materials specified in 1C010.e. is determined using the method described in ASTM D 7028-07, or equivalent national standard, on a dry test specimen. In the case of thermoset materials, degree of cure of a dry test specimen shall be a minimum of 90 % as defined by ASTM E 2160-04 or equivalent national standard.

1C011 Metals and compounds, as follows:


Metals in particle sizes of less than 60 μm whether spherical, atomised, spheroidal, flaked or ground, manufactured from material consisting of 99 % or more of zirconium, magnesium and alloys thereof;

Technical Note:

The natural content of hafnium in the zirconium (typically 2 % to 7 %) is counted with the zirconium.

Note:   The metals or alloys specified in 1C011.a. are controlled whether or not the metals or alloys are encapsulated in aluminium, magnesium, zirconium or beryllium.

Boron or boron alloys, with a particle size of 60 μm or less, as follows:
Boron with a purity of 85 % by weight or more;
Boron alloys with a boron content of 85 % by weight or more;

Note:   The metals or alloys specified in 1C011.b. are controlled whether or not the metals or alloys are encapsulated in aluminium, magnesium, zirconium or beryllium.

Guanidine nitrate (CAS 506-93-4);
Nitroguanidine (NQ) (CAS 556-88-7).

N.B.   See also Military Goods Controls for metal powders mixed with other substances to form a mixture formulated for military purposes.


According to Article 11, listed in Annex IV part 1: this item requires an authorisation for intra-Union transfers.

1C012 Materials as follows:

Technical Note:

These materials are typically used for nuclear heat sources.

Plutonium in any form with a plutonium isotopic assay of plutonium-238 of more than 50 % by weight;

Note:   1C012.a. does not control:

a. Shipments with a plutonium content of 1 g or less;
b. Shipments of 3 "effective grammes" or less when contained in a sensing component in instruments.
"Previously separated" neptunium-237 in any form.

Note:   1C012.b. does not control shipments with a neptunium-237 content of 1 g or less.

1C101 Materials and devices for reduced observables such as radar reflectivity, ultraviolet/infrared signatures and acoustic signatures, other than those specified in 1C001, usable in ‘missiles’, "missile" subsystems or unmanned aerial vehicles specified in 9A012 or 9A112.a.

Note 1:   1C101 includes:

a. Structural materials and coatings specially designed for reduced radar reflectivity;
b. Coatings, including paints, specially designed for reduced or tailored reflectivity or emissivity in the microwave, infrared or ultraviolet regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Note 2:   1C101 does not include coatings when specially used for the thermal control of satellites.

Technical Note:

In 1C101 ‘missile’ means complete rocket systems and unmanned aerial vehicle systems capable of a range exceeding 300 km.

1C102 Resaturated pyrolised carbon-carbon materials designed for space launch vehicles specified in 9A004 or sounding rockets specified in 9A104.
1C107 Graphite and ceramic materials, other than those specified in 1C007, as follows:
Fine grain graphites with a bulk density of 1,72 g/cm³ or greater, measured at 288 K (15 °C), and having a grain size of 100 μm or less, usable for rocket nozzles and re-entry vehicle nose tips, which can be machined to any of the following products:
Cylinders having a diameter of 120 mm or greater and a length of 50 mm or greater;
Tubes having an inner diameter of 65 mm or greater and a wall thickness of 25 mm or greater and a length of 50 mm or greater; or
Blocks having a size of 120 mm × 120 mm × 50 mm or greater;

N.B.   See also 0C004.

Pyrolytic or fibrous reinforced graphites, usable for rocket nozzles and reentry vehicle nose tips usable in "missiles", space launch vehicles specified in 9A004 or sounding rockets specified in 9A104;

N.B.   See also 0C004.

Ceramic composite materials (dielectric constant less than 6 at any frequency from 100 MHz to 100 GHz) for use in radomes usable in "missiles", space launch vehicles specified in 9A004 or sounding rockets specified in 9A104;
Bulk machinable silicon-carbide reinforced unfired ceramic, usable for nose tips usable in "missiles", space launch vehicles specified in 9A004 or sounding rockets specified in 9A104;
Reinforced silicon-carbide ceramic composites, usable for nose tips, reentry vehicles and nozzle flaps usable in "missiles", space launch vehicles specified in 9A004 or sounding rockets specified in 9A104;
Bulk machinable ceramic composite materials consisting of an ‘Ultra High Temperature Ceramic (UHTC)’ matrix with a melting point equal to or greater than 3 000 °C and reinforced with fibres or filaments, usable for missile components (such as nose-tips, re-entry vehicles, leading edges, jet vanes, control surfaces or rocket motor throat inserts) in "missiles", space launch vehicles specified in 9A004, sounding rockets specified in 9A104 or ‘missiles’.

Note:   1C107.f. does not control ‘Ultra High Temperature Ceramic (UHTC) ’ materials in non-composite form.

Technical Note 1:

In 1C107.f. ‘missile’ means complete rocket systems and unmanned aerial vehicle systems capable of a range exceeding 300 km.

Technical Note 2:

‘Ultra High Temperature Ceramics (UHTC)’ includes:

1. Titanium diboride (TiB2);
2. Zirconium diboride (ZrB2);
3. Niobium diboride (NbB2);
4. Hafnium diboride (HfB2);
5. Tantalum diboride (TaB2);
6. Titanium carbide (TiC);
7. Zirconium carbide (ZrC);
8. Niobium carbide (NbC);
9. Hafnium carbide (HfC);
10. Tantalum carbide (TaC).
1C111 Propellants and constituent chemicals for propellants, other than those specified in 1C011, as follows:
Propulsive substances:
Spherical or spheroidal aluminium powder other than that specified in the Military Goods Controls, in particle size of less than 200 μm and an aluminium content of 97 % by weight or more, if at least 10 % of the total weight is made up of particles of less than 63 μm, according to ISO 2591-1:1988 or national equivalents;

Technical Note:

A particle size of 63 μm (ISO R-565) corresponds to 250 mesh (Tyler) or 230 mesh (ASTM standard E-11).

Metal powders, other than that specified in the Military Goods Controls, as follows:
a. Metal powders of zirconium, beryllium or magnesium, or alloys of these metals, if at least 90 % of the total particles by particle volume or weight are made up of particles of less than 60 μm (determined by measurement techniques such as using a sieve, laser diffraction or optical scanning), whether spherical, atomised, spheroidal, flaked or ground, consisting 97 % by weight or more of any of the following:
1. Zirconium;
2. Beryllium; or
3. Magnesium;

Technical Note:

The natural content of hafnium in the zirconium (typically 2 % to 7 %) is counted with the zirconium.

b. Metal powders of either boron or boron alloys with a boron content of 85 % or more by weight, if at least 90 % of the total particles by particle volume or weight are made up of particles of less than 60 μm (determined by measurement techniques such as using a sieve, laser diffraction or optical scanning), whether spherical, atomised, spheroidal, flaked or ground;

Note:   1C111a.2.a. and 1C111a.2.b. controls powder mixtures with a multimodal particle distribution (e.g. mixtures of different grain sizes) if one or more modes are controlled.

Oxidiser substances usable in liquid propellant rocket engines as follows:
a. Dinitrogen trioxide (CAS 10544-73-7);
b. Nitrogen dioxide (CAS 10102-44-0)/dinitrogen tetroxide (CAS 10544-72-6);
c. Dinitrogen pentoxide (CAS 10102-03-1);
d. Mixed Oxides of Nitrogen (MON);

Technical Note:

Mixed Oxides of Nitrogen (MON) are solutions of Nitric Oxide (NO) in Dinitrogen Tetroxide/Nitrogen Dioxide (N2O4/NO2) that can be used in missile systems. There are a range of compositions that can be denoted as MONi or MONij, where i and j are integers representing the percentage of Nitric Oxide in the mixture (e.g., MON3 contains 3 % Nitric Oxide, MON25 25 % Nitric Oxide. An upper limit is MON40, 40 % by weight).

e. SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS FOR Inhibited Red Fuming Nitric Acid (IRFNA);
f. SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS AND 1C238 FOR compounds composed of fluorine and one or more of other halogens, oxygen or nitrogen.
Hydrazine derivatives as follows:


a. Trimethylhydrazine (CAS 1741-01-1);
b. Tetramethylhydrazine (CAS 6415-12-9);
c. N,N-Diallylhydrazine (CAS 5164-11-4);
d. Allylhydrazine (CAS 7422-78-8);
e. Ethylene dihydrazine (CAS 6068-98-0);
f. Monomethylhydrazine dinitrate;
g. Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine nitrate;
h. Hydrazinium azide (CAS 14546-44-2);
i. 1,1-Dimethylhydrazinium azide (CAS 227955-52-4)/1,2-Dimethylhydrazinium azide (CAS 299177-50-7);
j. Hydrazinium dinitrate (CAS 13464-98-7);
k. Diimido oxalic acid dihydrazine (CAS 3457-37-2);
l. 2-hydroxyethylhydrazine nitrate (HEHN);
m. See Military Goods Controls for Hydrazinium perchlorate;
n. Hydrazinium diperchlorate (CAS 13812-39-0);
o. Methylhydrazine nitrate (MHN) (CAS 29674-96-2);
p. 1,1-Diethylhydrazine nitrate (DEHN)/1,2-Diethylhydrazine nitrate (DEHN) (CAS 363453-17-2);
q. 3,6-Dihydrazino tetrazine nitrate (1,4-dihydrazine nitrate) (DHTN);
High energy density materials, other than that specified in the Military Goods Controls, usable in ‘missiles’ or unmanned aerial vehicles specified in 9A012 or 9A112.a.;
a. Mixed fuel that incorporate both solid and liquid fuels, such as boron slurry, having a mass-based energy density of 40 × 106 J/kg or greater;
b. Other high energy density fuels and fuel additives (e.g., cubane, ionic solutions, JP-10) having a volume-based energy density of 37,5 × 109 J/m3 or greater, measured at 20 °C and one atmosphere (101,325 kPa) pressure;

Note:   1C111.a.5.b. does not control fossil refined fuels and biofuels produced from vegetables, including fuels for engines certified for use in civil aviation, unless specially formulated for ‘missiles’ or unmanned aerial vehicles specified in 9A012 or 9A112.a..

Technical Note:

In 1C111.a.5. ‘missile’ means complete rocket systems and unmanned aerial vehicle systems capable of a range exceeding 300 km.

Hydrazine replacement fuels as follows:
a. 2-Dimethylaminoethylazide (DMAZ) (CAS 86147-04-8);
Polymeric substances:
Carboxy-terminated polybutadiene (including carboxyl-terminated polybutadiene) (CTPB);
Hydroxy-terminated polybutadiene (including hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene) (HTPB) (CAS 69102-90-5), other than that specified in the Military Goods Controls;
Polybutadiene-acrylic acid (PBAA);
Polybutadiene-acrylic acid-acrylonitrile (PBAN) (CAS 25265-19-4/CAS 68891-50-9);
Polytetrahydrofuran polyethylene glycol (TPEG);

Technical Note:

Polytetrahydrofuran polyethylene glycol (TPEG) is a block co-polymer of poly 1,4-Butanediol (CAS 110-63-4) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) (CAS 25322-68-3).

SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS FOR polyglycidyl nitrate (PGN or poly-GLYN) (CAS 27814-48-8).
Other propellant additives and agents:
SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS FOR Carboranes, decaboranes, pentaboranes and derivatives thereof;
Triethylene glycol dinitrate (TEGDN) (CAS 111-22-8);
2-Nitrodiphenylamine (CAS 119-75-5);
SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS FOR trimethylolethane trinitrate (TMETN) (CAS 3032-55-1);
Diethylene glycol dinitrate (DEGDN) (CAS 693-21-0);
Ferrocene derivatives as follows:
a. SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS FOR catocene (CAS 37206-42-1);
b. SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS FOR Ethyl ferrocene (CAS 1273-89-8);
c. SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS FOR n-Propyl ferrocene (CAS 1273-92-3)/iso-propyl ferrocene (CAS 12126-81-7);
d. SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS FOR n-butyl ferrocene (CAS 31904-29-7);
e. SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS FOR Pentyl ferrocene (CAS 1274-00-6);
f. SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS FOR Dicyclopentyl ferrocene (CAS 125861-17-8);
g. SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS FOR Dicyclohexyl ferrocene;
h. SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS FOR Diethyl ferrocene (CAS 1273-97-8);
j. SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS FOR Dibutyl ferrocene (CAS 1274-08-4);
k. SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS FOR Dihexyl ferrocene (CAS 93894-59-8);
l. SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS FOR Acetyl ferrocene (CAS 1271-55-2)/1,1'-diacetyl ferrocene (CAS 1273-94-5);
m. SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS FOR Ferrocene carboxylic acid (CAS 1271-42-7)/1,1'-Ferrocenedicarboxylic acid (CAS 1293-87-4);
n. SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS FOR butacene (CAS 125856-62-4);
o. Other ferrocene derivatives usable as rocket propellant burning rate modifiers, other than those specified in the Military Goods Controls.

Note:   1C111.c.6.o. does not control ferrocene derivatives that contain a six carbon aromatic functional group attached to the ferrocene molecule.

4,5-Diazidomethyl-2-methyl-1,2,3-triazole (iso-DAMTR), other than that specified in the Military Goods Controls.
‘Gel propellants’, other than that specified in the Military Goods Controls, specifically formulated for use in ‘missiles’.

Technical Notes:

1.   In 1C111.d. a ‘gel propellant’ is a fuel or oxidiser formulation using a gellant such as silicates, kaolin (clay), carbon or any polymeric gellant.

2.   In 1C111.d. a ‘missile’ means complete rocket systems and unmanned aerial vehicle systems capable of a range exceeding 300 km.

Note:   For propellants and constituent chemicals for propellants not specified in 1C111, see the Military Goods Controls.

1C116 Maraging steels, useable in ‘missiles’, having all of the following:

N.B.   SEE ALSO 1C216.

Having an ultimate tensile strength, measured at 293 K (20 °C), equal to or greater than:
0,9 GPa in the solution annealed stage; or
1,5 GPa in the precipitation hardened stage; and
Any of the following forms:
Sheet, plate or tubing with a wall or plate thickness equal to or less than 5,0 mm;
Tubular forms with a wall thickness equal to or less than 50 mm and having an inner diameter equal to or greater than 270 mm.

Technical Note 1:

Maraging steels are iron alloy:

1. Generally characterised by high nickel, very low carbon content and the use of substitutional elements or precipitates to produce strengthening and age-hardening of the alloy; and
2. Subjected to heat treatment cycles to facilitate the martensitic transformation process (solution annealed stage) and subsequently age hardened (precipitation hardened stage).

Technical Note 2:

In 1C116 ‘missile’ means complete rocket systems and unmanned aerial vehicle systems capable of a range exceeding 300 km.

1C117 Materials for the fabrication of ‘missiles’ components as follows:
Tungsten and alloys in particulate form with a tungsten content of 97 % by weight or more and a particle size of 50 × 10⁻⁶ m (50 μm) or less;
Molybdenum and alloys in particulate form with a molybdenum content of 97 % by weight or more and a particle size of 50 × 10⁻⁶m (50 μm) or less;
Tungsten materials in solid form having all of the following:
Any of the following material compositions:
a. Tungsten and alloys containing 97 % by weight or more of tungsten;
b. Copper infiltrated tungsten containing 80 % by weight or more of tungsten; or
c. Silver infiltrated tungsten containing 80 % by weight or more of tungsten; and
Able to be machined to any of the following products:
a. Cylinders having a diameter of 120 mm or greater and a length of 50 mm or greater;
b. Tubes having an inner diameter of 65 mm or greater and a wall thickness of 25 mm or greater and a length of 50 mm or greater; or
c. Blocks having a size of 120 mm by 120 mm by 50 mm or greater.

Technical Note:

In 1C117 ‘missile’ means complete rocket systems and unmanned aerial vehicle systems capable of a range exceeding 300 km.

1C118 Titanium-stabilised duplex stainless steel (Ti-DSS) having all of the following:
Having all of the following characteristics:
Containing 17,0 - 23,0 % by weight of chromium and 4,5 - 7,0 % by weight of nickel;
Having a titanium content of greater than 0,10 % by weight; and
A ferritic-austenitic microstructure (also referred to as a two-phase microstructure) of which at least 10 % by volume (according to ASTM E-1181-87 or national equivalents) is austenite; and
Having any of the following forms:
Ingots or bars having a size of 100 mm or more in each dimension;
Sheets having a width of 600 mm or more and a thickness of 3 mm or less; or
Tubes having an outer diameter of 600 mm or more and a wall thickness of 3 mm or less.
1C202 Alloys, other than those specified in 1C002.b.3. or .b.4., as follows:
Aluminium alloys having both of the following characteristics:
‘Capable of’ an ultimate tensile strength of 460 MPa or more at 293 K (20 °C); and
In the form of tubes or cylindrical solid forms (including forgings) with an outside diameter of more than 75 mm;
Titanium alloys having both of the following characteristics:
‘Capable of’ an ultimate tensile strength of 900 MPa or more at 293 K (20 °C); and
In the form of tubes or cylindrical solid forms (including forgings) with an outside diameter of more than 75 mm.

Technical Note:

The phrase alloys ‘capable of’ encompasses alloys before or after heat treatment.

1C210 ‘Fibrous or filamentary materials’ or prepregs, other than those specified in 1C010.a., .b. or .e., as follows:
Carbon or aramid ‘fibrous or filamentary materials’ having either of the following characteristics:
A "specific modulus" of 12,7 × 10⁶ m or greater; or
A "specific tensile strength" of 23,5 × 10⁴ m or greater;

Note:   1C210.a. does not control aramid ‘fibrous or filamentary materials’ having 0,25 % by weight or more of an ester based fibre surface modifier;

Glass ‘fibrous or filamentary materials’ having both of the following characteristics:
A "specific modulus" of 3,18 × 10⁶ m or greater; and
A "specific tensile strength" of 7,62 × 10⁴ m or greater;
Thermoset resin impregnated continuous "yarns", "rovings", "tows" or "tapes" with a width of 15 mm or less (prepregs), made from carbon or glass ‘fibrous or filamentary materials’ specified in 1C210.a. or .b.

Technical Note:

The resin forms the matrix of the composite.

Note:   In 1C210, ‘fibrous or filamentary materials’ is restricted to continuous "monofilaments", "yarns", "rovings", "tows" or "tapes".

1C216 Maraging steel, other than that specified in 1C116, ‘capable of’ an ultimate tensile strength of 1 950 MPa or more, at 293 K (20 °C).

Note:   1C216 does not control forms in which all linear dimensions are 75 mm or less.

Technical Note:

The phrase maraging steel ‘capable of’ encompasses maraging steel before or after heat treatment.

1C225 Boron enriched in the boron-10 (10B) isotope to greater than its natural isotopic abundance, as follows: elemental boron, compounds, mixtures containing boron, manufactures thereof, waste or scrap of any of the foregoing.

Note:   In 1C225 mixtures containing boron include boron loaded materials.

Technical Note:

The natural isotopic abundance of boron-10 is approximately 18,5 weight per cent (20 atom per cent).

1C226 Tungsten, tungsten carbide, and alloys containing more than 90 % tungsten by weight, other than that specified in 1C117, having both of the following characteristics:
In forms with a hollow cylindrical symmetry (including cylinder segments) with an inside diameter between 100 mm and 300 mm; and
A mass greater than 20 kg.

Note:   1C226 does not control manufactures specially designed as weights or gamma-ray collimators.

1C227 Calcium having both of the following characteristics:
Containing less than 1 000 ppm by weight of metallic impurities other than magnesium; and
Containing less than 10 ppm by weight of boron.
1C228 Magnesium having both of the following characteristics:
Containing less than 200 ppm by weight of metallic impurities other than calcium; and
Containing less than 10 ppm by weight of boron.
1C229 Bismuth having both of the following characteristics:
A purity of 99,99 % or greater by weight; and
Containing less than 10 ppm by weight of silver.
1C230 Beryllium metal, alloys containing more than 50 % beryllium by weight, beryllium compounds, manufactures thereof, and waste or scrap of any of the foregoing, other than that specified in the Military Goods Controls.


Note:   1C230 does not control the following:

a. Metal windows for X-ray machines, or for bore-hole logging devices;
b. Oxide shapes in fabricated or semi-fabricated forms specially designed for electronic component parts or as substrates for electronic circuits;
c. Beryl (silicate of beryllium and aluminium) in the form of emeralds or aquamarines.
1C231 Hafnium metal, alloys containing more than 60 % hafnium by weight, hafnium compounds containing more than 60 % hafnium by weight, manufactures thereof, and waste or scrap of any of the foregoing.
1C232 Helium-3 (³He), mixtures containing helium-3, and products or devices containing any of the foregoing.

Note:   1C232 does not control a product or device containing less than 1 g of helium-3.

1C233 Lithium enriched in the lithium-6 (⁶Li) isotope to greater than its natural isotopic abundance, and products or devices containing enriched lithium, as follows: elemental lithium, alloys, compounds, mixtures containing lithium, manufactures thereof, waste or scrap of any of the foregoing.

Note:   1C233 does not control thermoluminescent dosimeters.

Technical Note:

The natural isotopic abundance of lithium-6 is approximately 6,5 weight per cent (7,5 atom per cent).

1C234 Zirconium with a hafnium content of less than 1 part hafnium to 500 parts zirconium by weight, as follows: metal, alloys containing more than 50 % zirconium by weight, compounds, manufactures thereof, waste or scrap of any of the foregoing, other than those specified in 0A001.f.

Note:   1C234 does not control zirconium in the form of foil having a thickness of 0,10 mm or less.

1C235 Tritium, tritium compounds, mixtures containing tritium in which the ratio of tritium to hydrogen atoms exceeds 1 part in 1 000 , and products or devices containing any of the foregoing.

Note:   1C235 does not control a product or device containing less than 1,48 × 103 GBq (40 Ci) of tritium.

1C236 ‘Radionuclides’ appropriate for making neutron sources based on alpha-n reaction, other than those specified in 0C001 and 1C012.a., in the following forms:
Compounds having a total activity of 37 GBq/kg (1 Ci/kg) or greater;
Mixtures having a total activity of 37 GBq/kg (1 Ci/kg) or greater;
Products or devices containing any of the foregoing.

Note:   1C236 does not control a product or device containing less than 3,7 GBq (100 millicuries) of activity.

Technical Note:

In 1C236 ‘radionuclides’ are any of the following:

— Actinium-225 (225Ac)
— Actinium-227 (227Ac)
— Californium-253 (253Cf)
— Curium-240 (240Cm)
— Curium-241 (241Cm)
— Curium-242 (242Cm)
— Curium-243 (243Cm)
— Curium-244 (244Cm)
— Einsteinium-253 (253Es)
— Einsteinium-254 (254Es)
— Gadolinium-148 (148Gd)
— Plutonium-236 (236Pu)
— Plutonium-238 (238Pu)
— Polonium-208 (208Po)
— Polonium-209 (209Po)
— Polonium-210 (210Po)
— Radium-223 (223Ra)
— Thorium-227 (227Th)
— Thorium-228 (228Th)
— Uranium-230 (230U)
— Uranium-232 (232U)
1C237 Radium-226 (²²⁶Ra), radium-226 alloys, radium-226 compounds, mixtures containing radium-226, manufactures thereof, and products or devices containing any of the foregoing.

Note:   1C237 does not control the following:

a. Medical applicators;
b. A product or device containing less than 0,37 GBq (10 millicuries) of radium-226.
1C238 Chlorine trifluoride (ClF₃).
1C239 High explosives, other than those specified in the Military Goods Controls, or substances or mixtures containing more than 2 % by weight thereof, with a crystal density greater than 1,8 g/cm³ and having a detonation velocity greater than 8 000  m/s.

According to Article 11, listed in Annex IV part 1: this item requires an authorisation for intra-Union transfers.

1C240 Nickel powder and porous nickel metal, other than those specified in 0C005, as follows:
Nickel powder having both of the following characteristics:
A nickel purity content of 99,0 % or greater by weight; and
A mean particle size of less than 10 μm measured by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) B330 standard;
Porous nickel metal produced from materials specified in 1C240.a.

Note:   1C240 does not control the following:

a. Filamentary nickel powders;
b. Single porous nickel sheets with an area of 1 000  cm2 per sheet or less.

Technical Note:

1C240.b. refers to porous metal formed by compacting and sintering the materials in 1C240.a. to form a metal material with fine pores interconnected throughout the structure.

1C241 Rhenium, and alloys containing 90 % by weight or more rhenium; and alloys of rhenium and tungsten containing 90 % by weight or more of any combination of rhenium and tungsten, other than those specified in 1C226, having both of the following characteristics:
In forms with a hollow cylindrical symmetry (including cylinder segments) with an inside diameter between 100 and 300 mm; and
A mass greater than 20 kg.
1C350 Chemicals, which may be used as precursors for toxic chemical agents, as follows, and "chemical mixtures" containing one or more thereof:


Thiodiglycol (CAS 111-48-8);
Phosphorus oxychloride (CAS 10025-87-3);
Dimethyl methylphosphonate (CAS 756-79-6);
SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS for Methyl phosphonyl difluoride (CAS 676-99-3);
Methyl phosphonyl dichloride (CAS 676-97-1);
Dimethyl phosphite (DMP) (CAS 868-85-9);
Phosphorus trichloride (CAS 7719-12-2);
Trimethyl phosphite (TMP) (CAS 121-45-9);
Thionyl chloride (CAS 7719-09-7);
3-Hydroxy-1-methylpiperidine (CAS 3554-74-3);
N,N-Diisopropyl-(beta)-aminoethyl chloride (CAS 96-79-7);
N,N-Diisopropyl-(beta)-aminoethane thiol (CAS 5842-07-9);
3-Quinuclidinol (CAS 1619-34-7);
Potassium fluoride (CAS 7789-23-3);
2-Chloroethanol (CAS 107-07-3);
Dimethylamine (CAS 124-40-3);
Diethyl ethylphosphonate (CAS 78-38-6);
Diethyl N,N-dimethylphosphoramidate (CAS 2404-03-7);
Diethyl phosphite (CAS 762-04-9);
Dimethylamine hydrochloride (CAS 506-59-2);
Ethyl phosphinyl dichloride (CAS 1498-40-4);
Ethyl phosphonyl dichloride (CAS 1066-50-8);
SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS for Ethyl phosphonyl difluoride (CAS 753-98-0);
Hydrogen fluoride (CAS 7664-39-3);
Methyl benzilate (CAS 76-89-1);
Methyl phosphinyl dichloride (CAS 676-83-5);
N,N-Diisopropyl-(beta)-amino ethanol (CAS 96-80-0);
Pinacolyl alcohol (CAS 464-07-3);
SEE MILITARY GOODS CONTROLS for O-Ethyl O-2-diisopropylaminoethyl methylphosphonite (QL) (CAS 57856-11-8);
Triethyl phosphite (CAS 122-52-1);
Arsenic trichloride (CAS 7784-34-1);
Benzilic acid (CAS 76-93-7);
Diethyl methylphosphonite (CAS 15715-41-0);